Troy Road Walkway Installation

Topic: Walkway

See my Better Sidewalk here

Rock walkway

Springfield Ohio Homestead

Below are shown the first sidewalk that was installed upon moving to Springfield's Troy Road Home

The walkway is not as nice as it could be, and is solely due to the Codes department having strict "regulations" that a payoff must be made to install a concrete sub-base.

So without any concrete and mortar, my sidewalk grows weeds.

Since It is illegal to create and pour concrete in the ground without an additional fee to an entity that will not so much as lift a shovel to help, it also was pointless to use any mortar at all between the joints of the masonry units (without a concrete sub-base, the mortar joints would crack up the very first year).

Initial Stage of masonry walkway

Hendrick Sidewalk

First Stages of masonry walkway

Springfield Masonry Walkway

Kenny Hendrick Solar

Despite my over two decades in the field of masonry and having built their prisons, jails, court houses, restaurants and even their homes, in 2019 our elites have devolved with a letter claiming the rightful transference of funds via a $100.00 per day monetary forfeiture (no kidding, I received this threat letter in real life) from them (those that made the laws in the first place).

The letter didn't stop with the $100.00 monetary "forfieture", it was followed up with "and/or CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS"!

This is what a good government looks like?

My punishment for not paying off the predators is that the winter frost and spring's defrosting heaves the finished product to be not so level. So until a regime change, be careful when walking on this sidewalk please.

Kenny Hendrick Springfield Solar

Ohio Masonry Walkway

To avoid financing such bad business, I am manipulated to install the c.m.u., brick, and stone, directly into the ground without the "privilege" to properly install a steel-wire-reinforced concrete base.

Concrete = ingredients, of which are made entirely from the ground, going back into the ground is against their "codes" unless we first give them money?

But if those ingredients should mix themselves up and become a concrete pad, that's when the racket of profiteering might kick in with a "fine" or injunction that a person caught of such a heinous violation should at his or her own cost remove it (or else lien the property which would give them money one way or another).

Troy Road Sidewalk A year later and this was the expected (manipulated) result.

2023 Updated:

The walkways shown on this page have long-since been covered over with inches of dirt (dirt with a good masonry sub-base to allow me to park the tractor).

Springfield Ohio Masonry Walkway Some of the masonry is almost 7 inches thick and very heavy.

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