(727) 834-0438
2803 Troy Road
Springfield Ohio 45504
I can go on for two days with all the myriad of possible assurances availed to the monopolies that wrong is right.
Even if half of the people that received the ridiculous askew bills remained stout through the phone-buffers, and pursued the public relations group in an effort to rectify the wrong, the monopoly still profits.
One of the neighbors within my community affected by the gross overage caused by the egregious actions of FGUA, was an old man.
That old man owned a busy custom tire store on busy Route US-19, and had just days prior to the overage returned to his store from the hospital to receive the ridiculous bill for water, water he could not possibly have used.
That old guy ran into the damning control of the monopoly when they turned his water off for refusing to pay the Erroneous/WRONG amount.
Whereas my poor old neighbor stood proud and indignant toward the turmoil caused by FGUA, not willing to be manipulated and extorted proved to be a test for survival.
Though he was visibly not recuperated from the hospital,for weeks he had to put his pride in the corner and come to my store to ask for water, and not just him came a knocking, other neighbors I didn't even know were also coming to me!
In Florida, the predominant number of people are on fixed incomes due to their age. Soon after FGUA sent our community the erroneous non-yeilding bills, a number of people simply were put out of their homes because of the unplanned snowball effect.
The timing was right in the middle of the banking / real estate "scandals", together many ended up leaving the homes they thought they'd be dying in).
The aforementioned is only one example, though long-winded, of why I ended up wanting to rid my life of monopoly control as much as possible. Then there's the religious reasons, "be ye separate" and "let thine own cisterns water thee".
We don't ever wake up and expect the monopoly to give us anything for free. But when the monopoly adds a fee erroneously, we turn dumb.
The overage prompted me to go down to Harbor Freight to purchase a 110v water pump, and Home depot for miscellaneous pipes and filters, and began to read and watch the videos on how to create your own well (and to my surprise, there was already a well on the property!).
We were only 6 feet above the underground water supply (the aquifer) and it ran right under our community!
So, with the aid of the well pump, water became free!!!!
Happy ending?
They still sent us a bill each and every month even though we discontinued using their "product", and declined their "service". That's right, the plutocrats instituted a new "law" allowing their monopolies to send you and I a bill for no product and no service. The friendly epithet is referred to as an "availability of service fee". Can you imagine that? I was furious and simply had to find a way to get rid of this chain of manipulation, profiteering, and racketeering. My Bible says "be ye separate" and "let thine own cisterns water thee", but the "powers that be" stated it was a law that I must give them money every month (for nothing).
I was renting that building and told the owner he can evict me but I refuse to be extorted. For fear of a Lien by the monopoly over his property, the landlord paid (ensuring that the monopoly won still).
The landlord was lined up with the rest of the cattle to the slaughter (a Lien against his property would be the inevitable next step to force him to pay whatever the monopoly dictated....or become more indebted trying to fight the issue in their courts).
The video I still probably have to this day, is of the landlord and I having a heated dispute because of the monopoly error, and my unwillingness to pay. I remember how he erupted out of the store and I followed to hear his angry words....I remember him grabbing a steel pipe in which to lift up the water main cover that was in our parking lot, and then stooping to visually compare the bill's stated amount and that of the meter in the ground WHICH WAS STILL IN THE OFF POSITION.
I remember him shutting up when he saw with his own eyes.
But, as luck would have it, God sent a storm that knocked down the ceiling and roof and flooded the building which was my clear cue to leave ";-)
You don't stick around when a roof falls in!
I had contemplated leaving anyway because of this fgua issue, and saw the storm as something from a higher decision-maker.
2016 Video I created prior to being censored off of the Internet's Social and other Sites. If your device doesn't play the video, try this .webm version instead.
2014-2024 Kenny Hendrick and the Public Diary (of sorts). All Rights Reserved.