(727) 834-0438
2803 Troy Road
Springfield Ohio 45504
Somewhere in Missouri
Mickey Affrunti is a Missouri inhabitant that makes ends meet by catching her own food, composting, obtaining her own water, and raising her own chickens.
I first met Mickey in Florida. She had brought a computer in for repair and was one of my first customers that became a friend too.
Upon inquiring whether I should include any memorable periods in which Mickey can remember. She stated, "Previously, I lived in a $200k+ house and had a completely different lifestyle."
"Back then, I had only one dog, Momo.", Mickey recounted.
"Momo escorted me to the Computer Repair Shop.".
Mickey emailed an image to refresh my memory. However I only recall her and the surroundings as my place of business...oh wait, yes it was a barking squacking demonized thing, wasn't it? Okay, I remember it.
Mickey's Words
Off-grid Living is not easy.
The transition to such a small space is a challenge.
Being a woman and alone, living in a remote area of Missouri, fear is something I've had to overcome.
Larger dogs were needed.
The dogs surprise me with rabbits, snakes, and other edibles.
In 2019 I obtained a heater.
The previous years there was nothing to heat the shed.
Many layers of clothing are required in the winter-time.
The small RV Propane Wall heater in the un-insulated shed must be used sparingly since the propane is far away and I haven't a vehicle to get the fuel.
Also in 2019, came electricity! And although cooking with AC electric is very expensive and cost-prohibitive, somehow I manage.
Wild birds, snakes, and other wildlife are a threat to the chickens.
Predator protection is essential
The loss of chickens means less food.
Learning to properly (safely) compost is important and necessary.
There is not any sewer or septic yet.
Storing water poses new challenges.
In the Summer there are the insects and birds which can contaminate the water.
In the winter there is ice to contend with.
You can use popped popcorn like flour, if you grind it down to a powder first.
Water from the rain barrel.
Making Jerky
2014-2024 Kenny Hendrick and the Public Diary (of sorts). All Rights Reserved.