Political Discourse Page 8

Bringing in the New Year, with a New Attitude?

Despite the negativism that has permeated our American lives in the 2019 and previous years

It's possible that we may have been reacting to an American transition. While government cannot be expected to divulge it's every overwhelming plan and forecast, oftentimes media programming sets the stage for molding our perceptions.

So when the "News" suddenly became awash with wars and rumors of wars about how certain social sites may be partaking in publishing false information, I had to see for myself.

What I found was just the opposite, it was too much information!

But so what?

People say stupid stuff all day and night long. Will we censor the mouth and thoughts next?

As for gab.com and mastodon.social sites, it's the truthful comments that are uncensored that became a wake-up call to me.

The new year rang in with a chorus from monopolistic media.

(warnings to not believe each other) Preserve history VideoVideo Title

Okay let's be real, if I talk to you it would of course be from a biased perception (mine).

Media is basically stating that individual conceptions and conveyance is bad.

phhht....semantic trickery kills our subconscious resources and delineates our better reasoning and deductions.

At first it appeared that 2020 would be the same regurgitated fabrications by corporate media, but then I went fishing in the other pond.

The "other" pond of "news" instantly became equally overwhelming.

My regret is not having a record of the more extreme conversations which I found myself quickly becoming immersed in (while in that "other pond").

I noticed one "dark-web" commenter having stated that, "Any Country that calls itself socialist is socialist", which I find to be a simplistic and absolutely un-documented statement (not to mention, easily dismantled and akin to an ignorant misleading statement).

Death every minuteDeath every minuteDeath every minuteDeath every minute

I sensed statements being wielded void of any substance or evidence that the predictions will materialize.

In fact, it appeared at this point that this was merely an ill-willed hillbilly.

Death every minuteDeath every minuteDeath every minuteDeath every minute

So having recently surfed the "forbidden" social sites, I've come to some conclusion.

I'm not so sure we can live with those other people anyway.

Our tiny gripes and strifes against the government here in the U.S. are paled in sight of a world that would seemingly rather we all die (that goes for American blacks, whites, Asians, and American anything-else-I-missed).

It appears the foreigners hope for the U.S. to die (even if there is no knowing the result of the world after such an event!).

For a real shocker of the outside world, check out:


It got me thinking,

I kind of like our American way of life regardless of who or what we have to plow over or under.

Any gripes we might have against our government is nothing; In America, we know there's a tomorrow here.

Although It would be preferable if one of us came up with a better way to profit our Nation, but until something like that happens, we have no other choice than to either gripe about it (void of results), or have full faith that our government has enough resources and the best minds that money can buy to know better than us what is best for US.

The government employs analysts and projectionists and one way or another, the rest of us.

Griping gets to be like a broken record.

It stays broken and piddles life away, Life that could be better spent at more profitable things...like hanging out with the chikins ";-)

To Hades with the talk about Revolutions! A little peace is better than no peace.

Just for the record, I am NOT a socialist or anarchist or communist. Is it safe to come outside yet?

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2014-2024 Kenny Hendrick and the Public Diary (of sorts). All Rights Reserved. alt="I love America

Media is basically stating that individual conceptions and conveyance is bad.

">I-Love-America Moment