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A thought about Repeating History
by Kenny Hendrick
Dated April 14, 2020
Imagine a virus that attacks not by age or gender or race, but by class.
Can't do it, can you?
Why not? And what if there is evidence to prove this class-extinction has occurred several times throughout our history, could you imagine it happening again today?
Can you even have an inkling of fascination of the result of a virus wiping out the upper-class?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not referring to a class-virus as being fascinating in a good way.
Which among us in the lower classes knows how to operate a nuclear power plant or a water treatment plant?
Which among us even knows how to turn a nuclear power plant off?
Here's where it gets fascinating to consider:
Who built the pyramids and all the things we are digging up? We can't even duplicate it in modern-day's upper-class.
What happened to the era of days gone could very well have been a class wipeout leaving the middle and lower classes to become devoured due to not knowing (how to replicate a pyramid without our present-day knowledge and equipment, or how to de-activate the missiles that dot our landscape).
The Bible speaks of another even greater achievement of mankind, a tower that reached to the heavens (before God got pissed and wiped that class out).
Imagine for a second that there is a clock and that there are only 5 men in the nation that are privy to the code to stop the clock. Imagine the clock is something of "national security" and if the code is not entered bad things will happen. If those 5 should perish, we all perish (and I'm not talking about just nuclear power plants going out of control here).
Perhaps a privileged class enjoys a certain food not found in the public sector, or maybe it's their typbe of filters for the air in their home that creates such a sterile environment, or maybe it's their healthcare that the rest of us don't have, that kills them.
Whether we like the upper-class or not, if they die, chain of command will ensure we all croak.
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