Astrological | Are you aware that a foreign object is heading right for us?

A Foreign Object Is Heading Right for your house!


What do you do?

Oh nevermind, it zipped right past us (before you even knew "it" existed).

This will probably be new news to many of the readers. Yes, it's real but don't worry(?), that one missed us. But what about next time?

Yes, it is going to miss us

No worries, they say it's going to miss us.

Yes, it's going to miss us

Not to sound redundant but this will be the second "miracle" discovery in all of our documented astrological history this planet knows of, and most of the inhabitants of planet earth never heard of either of the visits.

An interstellar comet visiting our solar system. should be news.

How was this NOT news?

Question: When something breaks and falls to the ground in pieces, are the greater numbers of pieces hitting the floor at the beginning, middle, or last portion of the wave of broken pieces?

The fragments did not hit the ground all at the exact same time, right?

And furthermore, some of the fragments may have been shoved off course in an unpredictable manner by coliding into eachother. Needless to say, the fragments can not be rationally predicted as to their ultimate resting location without a great deal of fore-warning.

Hmmm...okay that was a bad analogy,

go on to the next one please.

Alternate Question: After having propped an apple on top of a fence (preferably backing to endless woods), shoot it.

Make sure to have a camera pointed at the apple's profile-view to see where the parts scatter as the bullet passes through the apple, also notice at what point the first fragments passed a certain point. Play it in super-slow motion and notice the wave of different sized objects passing any point is not in unison.

Now imagine that the apple is an interstellar star or planet that has become exploded in one or more general directions. Earth could receive the ultimate parking ticket if what we've thus-far seen entering our solar system. is the fragments of the first wave of particles (and both of the interstellar objects have been witnessed so close together in time).

Not in the news?

So the first miracle (something that has never happened in all of mankind's educated presence on this planet), was only a couple of years ago, prior to 2019.

You may have heard about the first documented interstellar event, albeit AFTER-THE-FACT.

It was discovered by a telescope in Hawaii as the first comet to come from outside our known galaxy. It then did a bee-line right back the way it came (outside of our known galaxy).

Well that was a couple of years ago, the thing that is heading our way now is a different story

Projections appear to have been off as to the comets arrival because the initial projected December 5, 2019 arrival of the comet has been moved to January 2020. (pit-stop?)

Comet Progress Report

"This comet is moving much faster than a comet would if it was bound to our Sun—so its velocity is another strong clue that we’re dealing with something interstellar."

Not to worry anybody but, Now imagine that your homeland just saw the first two fragments into its solar system..

I mean it's totally plausible seeing as how only two fragments in all of our history to come from deep-space into our solar system. and why now?

It doesn't matter if any of the interstellar fragments hit earth directly, when entering our orderly solar system., the effects of an interstellar particle could create a pinball-effect if it hits anything in our solar system. (which is bound by the sun's hold on us)

All I'm saying is, that two first-ever observances happening so close together is not likely to be celebratory (or worthy of censorship).

Check out the fact that NASA barely gave it a blurb on their site: N.A.S.A.

Information concerning this fast-approaching foreign body is better documented by Wikipedia: Wikipedia's Website

No news is good news?

The comet referred to as C/2019 Q4, although still being tracked, has been hushed over at (probably because of all the calamities happening right now in the world. It's hard to organize and prepare on a global-scale when we're busy warring over crumbs).

The mere fact that it's coming from an unknown and uncharted (by us) area outside our galaxy, has churned some concerns within my retarded brain. It's not something I read from any of the sites that are documenting this miracle, but...

My question is:

'Rock' and Roll!

What if it hits something?

What if it introduces a gas or particle that is not of this solar system. thereby contaminating and destabilizing our galaxy?

This is why we have CUSTOMS (to keep foreign fruits and vegetables and animals from other countries into the U.S. because the foreign body could devastate our present eco-system.).

What now? Throw more labor to toss more money to create another form of glactic agency?

This type of foreign destruction has actually happened throughout our history, however that's at the micro-level.

For instance, when the English people came to America, just by their presence, introduced a new virus that killed off a large portion of the native inhabitants (or so I've been "taught").

But sticking with the point of this writ, interstellar destabilization is not the topic of this writ either.

I'm going to tell you of an even stranger anomaly right here on our own earth, in our own galaxy.

Now get this:

Imagine I build a telescope that is larger than my garage right in the backyard. What would happen in America? That's right, codes will attack me and if they don't the neighbors will. True story: I was threatened by the codes department to the tune of $100.00 per day monetary forfeiture to the polity and/or CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS (If I didn't take down words on a 4sf sign that merely stated "computer" on my front lawn).

But let's consider further this mystery right in our back yard of what I do after I see something in space that nobody has ever seen, I send it off to the Russians to analyze the location with their telescopes.

What would happen to me?

In America, we know what would happen. I would be demonized as a traitor if I sent a discovery off to Russia. I would possibly be murdered or incarcerated, ostracized and maybe even tortured. My fellow citizens would label me as a terrorist or a commy.

Well, that's exactly what this Russian did in his backyard. He discovered something that is heading right for our Solar System. What he did next did not get him killed or osctacized, he submitted the location and sent it to America's Yale University.

This discovery that something large is heading for us and moving fast is something we should maybe want to know about, right?

Then again, what do we do, Duck?

But in America, we know that if the tables were turned, I'd be a dead man without a future.

Oh but wait, So Yale university trains their telescope on the object and oh my god (it becomes news to all the other astronomers and telescope stations around the earth).

Does America have better telescopes than Russia? I don't know. I do know however, that if I discovered something heading toward us that could kill all of us, I'd be not pursuing a poverty-stricken Nigeria's government to analyze the object unless Nigerians were the only ones that would listen to me.

So my point of this writ is, that I am aware of what happened in the "education" system. of my generation only. The game (or curriculum) may be different for the younger or older generations.

But for my generation, this was the programming that pops right out of head:




U.S.=a Democracy

Russia=death and destruction

U.S.=a better system. of life

Russia=siberian prisons

U.S.=land of the free when the alarm goes off duck under the classroom desk



Russia=threat to "our" way of life

U.S.=invention and humanitarian....

Meanwhile after the bait and switch "education" I received promptly after having fallen out of my mother's womb, we see our nation in 2019 as the number ONE incarcerator in the world of it's own people.

In fact, America incarcerates more of its own people than most countries COMBINED!

We also allocate more of our budget into weapons of mass destruction than MOST countries COMBINED.

Read Revelations 17 & 18 and understand that prediction.

So, will December 5th be that day when the whore runs off to the desert place"?

Who can know?

Even if scientists did know.

Who would want to publish it?

That's where I come in.

There's no way to stop something moving that fast, but we can bump it off course by throwing our plastics and nuclear wastes at it (just an idea off-the-top-of-my-head).

On a cheery note: 5 more days and the asteroid will be here, so maybe this outrageous plunder won't even matter.

Well, I have to go roll up another one of those safe cigarettes that my generation was sold on.

On a brighter note

Here kids, here kids (oh, I'm the bad guy now right? trek a little further in thought please)

"Remember kids, tell your parents and older friends that you want blah blah brand." Imagine if I or you did something like this?

Questions? Click the contact button at the top of this page

2021 UPDATE!

NASA feeds starving people

Have a happy day!

Click my Brain Tease

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