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2803 Troy Road
Springfield Ohio 45504
This page is under construction with no end in sight, commenced April 16, 2019. Draft Format, personal sentiments at the given moment in time.
When I speak of censorship, I am not talking about content containing cuss words, porn, or inflammatory comments. Rather, the Internet's controlling entities such as facebook, google/youtube, twitter, the Internet Providers, and many others, are under some covert law that is forcing the blocking of ideas and comments made by the citizenry that are not by any stretch of the imagination, worthy of being deemed so dangerous as to be banned.
If you want evidence of manipulation, here's an easy test for you to see censorship up close and personal. First go to just about any Court of "justice" using google maps. Jot down how many reviews they have. Only seeing one or two? Stop back in a week and see if those one or two comments are erased. Make a comment suggesting an improvement in some area of the justus center of your choice and watch you disappear.
Why are our comments erased and our accounts summarily suspended without notice or reason? Which group profits from such a pervasive trend in 2020?
Did you know that the privileged legal-types made a law that enables law-enforcement to take down websites?
Below are some items I wanted to try selling on Facebook.
Notice the photos do not show weapons and sex devices (sickos at Facebook engaging in defamation and baseless allegations?).
I wonder if they wrote into law that it was rightful for them to manipule and defame citizens, too?
Proof of Statement
This person from Missouri called in to let me know that Facebook is censoring out my entire domain from anybody being able to post a link to my website, but why?
My domain has dozens of other topics.
I might understand Facebook censoring this particular page that you are reading, but my entire Domain is punished by a premeditated decision?
Meanwhile all manner of foolishness is allowed on Facebook, yet this domain is blocked and my repeated attempts to maintain an account with Facebook is quickly banned. What powers exist that can selectively attack without recourse?
And this user from Florida reports that her mere attempt to link to this website is blocked by Facebook without justification.
My comments are allowed for me to see only?
In fact, my website has probably more than a dozen entirely separate topics including discoveries in battery and solar generated energy.
Yet by crossing monopoly interests within our polity, judiciary, economic, and social controllers, will not likely further our understanding and advancement to solve larger issues that may arise unexpectedly amidst the unknown future events. All minds ought to partake to derive to a most-plausible solution to the myriad of problems that face us. Stifling communications will ensure our surprise demise having followed the wrong avenue.
Censorship of a brick wall?
I only posted this once on Facebook, so why would Facebook want to propagate a lie by stating it's spam?
The term "spam" indicates multiple posts of the same general topic.
So who could make Facebook take this abrasive action against me?
How spammy could a comment or link about a brick wall be anyway?
Shown below is another of the facebook attacks.
The claim made by Facebook is not that the video is violating a law, but the Facebook LIE is that the "public" have somehow chosen to pull the video within milliseconds of my having posted it.
I am well aware of the divide-and-conquer tactic, getting us all to blame each other keeps our eyes off the real criminals.
Whether the Internet moguls like Facebook are abiding by laws imposed upon them by the capitalizing class of law-makers, the following video is stopped dead in its tracks. The problem is that the video pertains to a problem which affects the community.
The "Public" appears to be a subjective term because the "Public" would have had milliseconds to analyze the video, the instant response after my having clicked the upload/share button. The Lie of blaming the Public is outrageous in of itself otherwise there'd be no videos anywhere on Facebook.
It's just that easy to manipulate the minds of the masses.
Point enough heads in the wrong direction and even "no" can mean "yes".
Here's some evidence of a story I've followed throughout the years of it happening: Fisa Court and the conspiracy for our lives
2014-2024 Kenny Hendrick and the Public Diary (of sorts). All Rights Reserved.