Sectors of interest are located at the bottom of this page.
System is easily repaired and other issues identified.
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FREE place to get rid of those trees, rocks, dirt...
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All movies in their original packaging with some containing a DVD and a BluRay Disc.
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What started out as a curious purchase of a solar panel, soon became a hobby.
It sort of broke up the monotony of fighting off the internal terrorists.
Because it's forever free and it works Forever
Because once completed, there's no maintenance
Because it's cheaper than conventional solar
Because it's safer than conventional solar
Because you can!
This was long-awaited. The reason so many lights had burned up during my initial experiments is due solely to using the wrong energy source. My initial experimentation utilized a wind-generator and not solar input. 2024 marks the year that a SOLAR source was implemented, to such great success that D.E.A. is powering lights in three different buildings; a house, my lab (3-car garage), and the 40-foot bus, all completed by December 2024! There are super-great benefits to the D.E.A. lights beyond the fact that they require no batteries, no AC electricity, no inverters or charge controllers, no switches and other benefits beyond the fact that the system is fully-automated (by God).The source for this D.E.A. varies between 1 and 4 solar strings of 12v.
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Your BROKEN AC appliances converted to Direct Energy will suddenly work (and live longer than it did when it was working on AC electricity)! The source for this D.E.A. is 6 solar strings of 48v.
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Direct Energy Applications are amazing
This link takes you to an introduction using Geo-Thermal Mass energized with a Direct Energy Application. Added also were a couple more heater/stoves, and more recently are an oven/broiler converted over to Direct Energy!.
Cooking with Direct Energy
This video shows the first heater/stoves that were converted to Direct Energy. The source for this D.E.A. was initially 3 solar strings of 48v. The subsequent addional heater/stoves are now connected to either a 4 or 6 solar strings of 48v.
If your device doesn't play the video, try this .webm version instead.
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